
Wanna know what love is or don't know what is love? Doesn't matter, you'll find either in the whatlist -
the only complete index of al what-songs ever made!

Whatlist.info is the ultimate list of all songs containing the word "what" EVER made.

Our database currently boasts more than 3000 entries.

What is a what song?

Through intense study of numerous sources and philosophizing about the word and it's use in music we have agreed on a number of points to define a "whatsong":

  1. "What" is a word in the songtitle. This is the foremost definition by which we compiled the current list. You will see this as the most recognizable characteristic within the entries of this list.
  2. There's is an existential longing for questioning noticeable through the song lyrics and/or composition & emotional response. Under these terms songs could eventualy be included that do not have "What" or "What is" in the song title. Yet these criteria are subjective and if a song is applicable for entry has to be agreed on by the Whatlist board of members. See submission guidelines for a thorough explanation
  3. The song has the words "What" or "What is" very presently returning in its lyrics, preferrably within the chorus. Also there should be a sense of feeling as described in point 2.
  4. The song has the word "What" in its title in another language than english. We are currently investigating how many languages we can and do want to include. Also since a large number of languages doesn't have a word like "What".


We accept submissions of new songs not found in the database yet. Albeit under strict guidelines and judgement by the board members of whatlist.info. See submit.